
    ResMed Vulnerability Disclosure

    If you notice an issue with, or potential cybersecurity threat to, a ResMed-operated digital platform, please report it to us.

    Reporting Procedures

      1. Send an encrypted email, using the ResMed PGP Key, to Security Reports
      2. Provide as much information as possible, including steps to reproduce the issue and any logs or scripts used (e.g. text, screenshots)
      3. If you would like follow up, please use a valid email address

    Report Review

    • ResMed will contact you with an incident number, and may request additional information
    • ResMed will verify the vulnerability, and will coordinate internally to plan for remediation, if verified
    • ResMed will coordinate a disclosure timeline with you
    • ResMed will notify you when the issue has been resolved
    • ResMed will make an effort to respond to status inquiries within 10 business days

    Prohibited Actions

    • Social engineering and phishing
    • Physical attacks against ResMed-owned systems or sites
    • Actions that may disrupt service (e.g. denial of service, brute force)
    • Sending identifiable customer, patient, employee or user data
    • Premature public disclosure of a cybersecurity vulnerability
    • Testing of non-ResMed systems, such as 3rd-party suppliers

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