

    Q. I will be travelling with my therapy device. Is there anything I should know?

    A. There are a few things to consider before travelling with your therapy device:

    • Ensure you remove the humidifier tub and place it in its own compartment in the carry bag.
    • When transporting the device, always empty the tub to avoid water damage.
    • We recommend that you don't use your humidifier when powering your device with a battery, as the humidifier consumes a great deal of power. Simply go to the My Options menu on your device and turn humidification off.
    • If you’re using the AirSense™ 10 AutoSet™ patient trial device on a plane, always enable Airplane Mode and turn humidification off.

    Q. Can I use my device on a plane?

    A. The AirSense™ 10 and AirCurve™ 10 devices meet Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements for all phases of air travel, so you can safely take your device on board as carry-on luggage. You can download and print air travel compliance letters here. When using your device on an airplane:

    • Make sure the water tub is completely empty and inserted into your device. Do not use your device with water in the tub during air travel to avoid the risk of water inhalation and spillage during turbulence.
    • Ensure humidification is turned off.
    • If you’re using the AirSense 10 AutoSet™ patient trial device, ensure Airplane Mode is enabled.

    Note: Medical devices do not count towards your carry-on luggage limit.

    Q. How does Airplane Mode affect data transmission?

    A. Airplane Mode disables the AirSense™ 10 AutoSet™ patient trial device's wireless connectivity and makes data transmission to AirView™ temporarily unavailable.

    Q. How can I tell if the AirSense™ 10 AutoSet™ patient trial device is in Airplane Mode?

    A. You'll see a small plane icon in the top right corner of your device's display. You'll also be alerted by an on-screen message every time you power on your device if it’s still in Airplane Mode.

    Warranty FAQs

    Q. What is the warranty on the AirSense™ 10 or AirCurve™ 10 device and HumidAir™ heated humidifier?

    A. Detailed warranty information can be found here

    Q. What is the warranty on the ClimateLineAir™ heated tubing?

    A. Detailed warranty information can be found here.