
    Personalised for Her

    Unique therapy for women

    Women with sleep apnea are likely to have more upper airway resistance than men,1 which is why the AutoSet™ for Her algorithm has been designed to be more sensitive to flow limitation. In addition, the algorithm provides more subtle changes in therapy pressure to minimise any sleep disturbance.

    The AutoSet for Her algorithm also automatically adjusts the minimum AutoSet pressure if apneas are occurring frequently below a certain threshold.

    By responding to female-specific characteristics of sleep apnea, ResMed’s new AutoSet for Her algorithm has been designed to meet your needs – providing a tailored approach to sleep therapy.

    And with the new ResMed AirFit™ for Her mask series, it’s easier than ever to find the right fit for you. Choose from the AirFit P10 for Her nasal pillows mask, the AirFit N10 for Her nasal mask or the AirFit F10 for Her full face mask for a comfortable, stylish solution designed to make therapy easy, no matter which one you choose.

    Out-of-the-box comfort

    The AirSense™ 10 AutoSet for Her has been designed to make therapy simple and intuitive. With no complicated settings or menus to navigate, simply press Start and you’re ready to go.

    Humidification for extra comfort

    With the new integrated humidifier HumidAir, you can enjoy the benefits of humidification in one easy-to-use system. And when used with the ClimateLineAir™ heated tube, your device has been designed to automatically deliver the optimal temperature and humidity, for the ultimate comfort experience.

    A comfortable start

    The new AutoRamp™ feature with sleep onset detection helps make therapy comfortable from the moment you turn on your device. AutoRamp works by delivering a low pressure to help you fall asleep with ease. Once it detects you’re asleep, it comfortably increases the pressure to ensure your prescribed level is delivered the moment you need it.

    A restful night

    Every device has a built-in ambient light sensor that adjusts the brightness of the screen based on the amount of light in the room. So if you get up during the night and need to pause your therapy, the screen will stay dim so it doesn’t disrupt your partner. The screen’s back light also turns off automatically to help you fall back to sleep. And with ResMed’s Easy-Breathe motor built into each device, you and your partner can enjoy whisper-quiet sleep, every night.

    Experience innovative sleep apnea therapy: ResMed Air Solutions.

    For a new beginning in great sleep, ask your healthcare provider for a ResMed Air Solutions system.



    Lin CM, et al. Gender differences in obstructive sleep apnea and treatment implications. Sleep Med Rev, 2008. 12(6):481-96.