
      Lumis TM 150 VPAP ST-A

      Personalised ventilation made easy

      Lumis 150 VPAP ST-A is a non-invasive ventilator with alarms, designed to provide personalised ventilation to support your respiratory condition.

      It features IntelligentAir, a collection of ResMed technologies that can tailor therapy to your individual breathing needs.

      IntelligentAir comprises iVAPS (intelligent Volume-Assured Pressure Support), a mode that automatically adapts to your changing needs; an intelligent Backup Rate (iBR)* that maximises your opportunity to breathe spontaneously; and an optional AutoEPAP** feature that helps keep your upper airway free of obstructions.

      Lumis also features technologies designed to manage any mask leak, and stay in sync with your breathing.

      * Available in iVAPS and ST modes. ** Available in iVAPS mode.

      Elegant, user-friendly design

      Designed with you in mind, Lumis is easy to navigate and use.

      A set of alarms provides added assurance.

      Other features

      • Climate Control Auto for automatic humidification. When used with a HumidAir™ heated humidifier and ClimateLineAir™ heated tube, Lumis delivers humidification automatically – no settings to change and no complicated menus to navigate.
      • Ramp and Ramp Down. To help ease you into a therapy session, the Ramp feature gradually and comfortably ramps the pressure up to your prescribed level; and to help ease you out of a therapy session, optional Ramp Down gradually reduces the pressure.

      Made to work together


      Lumis 150 VPAP ST


      ClimateLineAir™ heated tube

      The ClimateLineAir heated tube is the key that unlocks ResMed's Climate Control solution for the AirSense 10 and AirCurve 10 series of devices.

      How to buy

      After receiving your official diagnosis, you can get your mask and device from your local ResMed accredited outlet. Find your nearest outlet here.

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      Lumis™ 150 VPAP ST

      Lumis 150 VPAP ST is designed to provide personalised ventilation to non-dependent patients with respiratory insufficiency. Features iVAPS mode and optional AutoEPAP.